My Unique HomePlan

So you think you are ready to start working on your interior design but have no idea how to go about it, where to start, where to look or even who to ask. With so many TV shows, Blogs, Websites, and Gurus of interior design its overwhelming . But, I am here to help walk you through the process step by step.

I have a unique product called the HomePlan. My plan will walk you through decision by decision to create the perfect home for you !

Using a professional interior designer will have a profound effect on the outcome of your project. I have the tips and tricks that help you get the results you want, with the least effort or cost.

I have found over the many years of helping people that the most common beginging question is ‘Where do I start’ . I have worked with numerous clients that jump around from room to room and from the beginging to the end with out organizing the over all project into ‘The HomePlan’. Its hard to comment on what color to paint a room, when there is no furniture or artwork. These two elements usually drive what color a room is painted. Its equally hard to hang artwork when the furniture has not been placed or even purchased ! So, the plan is a logical step by step on how a room is designed. I like to call it a simple ‘To do list’.

As I develop this site and I will be helping you with:

  • Getting started, learning about ‘The HomePlan’
  • Prioritizing the plan, with budget and time expectations
  • Make selections according to the plan
  • Help you find the right places to purchase the items or price the items through Creative Home Consulting
  • Place the orders
  • Deliver the items, set up, fluff and buff
  • Make a final accessment room by room

The design process should be a fun experience with a fantastic feeling of accomplishment when you are finished. I always try and get the client to work room by room so that they can have a wonderful journey along the way and not be overwhelmed by the large task .

Don’t make costly mistakes or waste your time…. Get the plan … The HomePlan.

Come along and let me help you get started!

I create the HomePlan, a road ‘Road Map’ or ‘To Do List’ which guides you through the design process. Room by room the HomePlan considers the overall interior of the homes space. Each room is evaluated with the following design elements:

Space Planning & Usage

Wall Colors and Finishes




Art & Accessories

Once the HomePlan is presented our designer will help you prioritize. The HomePlan package includes 4 to 5 rooms or one level of the home. Cost $ 495.00

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