About Scott Dean

Scott Dean, owner and principal designer of Scott’s Creative Home, has more than twenty-five years of design experience. He is successful in this business because of his ability to solve design problems. Whether he is working with a client to solve their color dilemma or layout concern, Scott listens to the client, identifies the problem and gives them a solution. His primary duty is to connect people with their home.

His favorite projects include those which involve an overhaul to the interior’s atmosphere; a project in which he can completely change the feeling of a home for the better. Scott is very considerate of budget but does not believe it should be the end-all for most projects. Most importantly, he is concerned with getting a home done right the first time. After all, that is why he’s in this business. Scott wants to make sure that you are satisfied with the work and the design that will influence and impact your daily life. It’s all about what you want for your home, not what you’ve been told to like.

For Scott, a home is more than just a place to eat, sleep and relax. A home is a space for relaxation, rejuvenation and where connections are made amongst families. Scott can help you determine if your home is functioning best for your lifestyle. He will help you discover your feelings upon entering your home, walking you through all the details and components that may be adding or subtracting from your experience. If you cannot relax, rejuvenate or connect in your home, then Scott can help.

Scott’s Hobbies…

Whether he is playing with his three cats or running half marathons, Scott likes to stay busy! He has visited 35 countries and hopes to travel more in the future. He is the author of one photography book and another on design solutions.

As an active member of the Des Moines community, Scott believes it is important to pass along his time and talent. He is involved with the American Lung Association, Animal Rescue League of Iowa and the Tibetan Aid Project. Scott’s biggest drive is to support and empower children, especially those who need a loving, stable home.

Scott’s goal for the future is to help others create rejuvenation spaces that will recharge their lives. He will bring his love of zen culture and his deep spirituality to focus on the subject of eco-friendly, sustainable design or the “healthy home.”